Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Heading out of character

It is very rare that I write anything without an eye on markets it could go in, but the Mythos piece was one of those. Of course, after finishing the first round of revisions, I find it nearly impossible to place it with any market. The narrative, the perspective, the light-hearted approach, and the short length seem to set it firmly outside of the boundaries established by most publications normally interested in Mythos sort of work. Instead, I have decided to do something else with it, and after final revisions will make a gift of it to a friend of mine who has a love of all things Lovecraft, as well as a strange sense of humor.

Knowing this, I decided concise titlings can go to hell. I have decided to name it:
"The Simple Account of Sergeant Shea, Immediately Prior to the End of the World."

So there. After revisions, I may just make it generally available to anyone who wants a chuckle of some sort, either at me or at the piece itself.


J.C. Tabler


Cate Gardner said...

Lucky friend...

Anonymous said...

Dude, the title alone would have me reading it right away. It reminds me a bit of "Good Omens". I love quirky titles.

(Of course, the story I wrote a few years back titled "When the Dogs All Run Away, Your Teeth Will Fall Out" still sits alone and dusty on my shelf).

J.C. Tabler said...

Cate- Well, one day, after striking it rich, I'll buy the man a Cadillac. Until then, he gets a story.

Barry - I normally like concise titles, short things that are two-three words. This one...well, if I'm not gonna try to sell it, I'm writing the title I want, damn it!