Friday, April 18, 2008

Shake N' Bake

So my wife woke up this morning to find the house shaking on its foundation, windows rattling, the sugar glider going insane, dogs barking, cats meowing, and our fish swimming erratically. She then assumed she was crazy, and went back to sleep. I never once cracked my eyes open.

In short, we had an earthquake this morning that I was completely unaware of until waking up and checking the news hours after the fact.

In other news, my Ghost in the Machine submission is done with the first revision. I more or less slathered it in black ink, took out a good bit of fluff and unnecessary lines, switched things around, and added a few sentences. Later today I'll sit down with the printed draft and my laptop and start revising, then pass it off to my still-confused better half for a read. Because I don't trust her opinion (she married me, she must feel obligated to lie on occasion), I'll then send it off to some of my regular guys to look over and get suggestions. As always, by the time I get their suggested changes I'll have done the second revision, tidied it up, and sent it out.

Not much more is going on. Game night tonight with another couple we know, then tomorrow I'm assisting my father in laying down sob and clearing some of his property. Still looking for work, have an interview with the AFL-CIO on Wednesday for a union organizing position.

Back to the grindstone,

J.C. Tabler


Cate Gardner said...

As always, by the time I get their suggested changes I'll have done the second revision, tidied it up, and sent it out. LOL! I am exactly the same.

We had an earthquake a couple of months back and I slept through it.

J.C. Tabler said...

Ain't that the truth! I tend to work fast once I get the first revision done.

Yeah, we've had a few aftershocks today. Most of'em are small, but we had a 4.5 aftershock about 30 minutes ago that shook the house again. As our neighbor said "I got up to fix breakfast and there was an earthquake...I start to fix lunch, and there's an aftershock. I'd suggest you all go in the cellar when I start dinner.'